Car damage companies are not happy that you know this trick!


You only need 2 products to get that dent out of your car, a hair dryer and aerosol cold air spray. You may have never heard of a cold air spray aerosol, but you can buy these at do-it-yourself stores. That’s all you need. Easy, right?
But how does this process work? These are the steps you need to follow. Blow hot air against the dent with the hair dryer and after a while spray cold air on it with air spray. When you do this you should see an effect in the dent after just a few seconds. The dent in the car is completely gone after a few seconds.

It sounds almost impossible, but nothing could be further from the truth! Try it yourself, and the result will truly amaze you! Your car will look brand new again, and it would look like it never had a dent in it.
In conclusion, the next time you have a dent in your car, try this handy life hack before calling in the car garage! This will save you a lot of unnecessary costs on car damage.

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